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Fall in New York

Een responsive website is een website die zich automatisch aanpast aan verschillende schermbreedtes concreter schermafmetingen, maar in de praktijk is de schermhoogte niet van belang omdat websites meestal in de hoogte scrollen. Dat is doorgaans de kleinste schermbreedte die op dat moment gangbaar is, bijvoorbeeld pixels.

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Excerpts from a discussion on Ugandan News Media
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What you are about to read is an abbreviated version of the discussion that took place on December 16th at the National Museum in Kampala, on the occasion of the opening of the exhibition Updates, six investigations into the use of photographs in Ugandan news media. The event was part of the monthlong programme put together on the occasion of the Uganda Press Photo Award Present were four of the participants in the Updates exhibition and a range of interested people. The conversation was moderated by David Tumusiime. The quotes below have been edited for readability and do not appear in their original order, but have been restructured into a couple of central topics.

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Fall in New York — Negin Mirsalehi

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